ETwinning es una plataforma europea para el trabajo cooperativo de comunidades educativas de diferentes países.
Desde el CEIP Toral de los Vados estamos trabajando junto con otro centro escolar de Grecia (1o ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΕΙΟ ΝΕΑΣ ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΕΙΑΣ) en un proyecto cuya finalidad es hacer presentaciones para conocer los gustos y preferencias del alumnado de otro país dentro de la misma franja de edad. Los destinatarios del proyecto son los alumnos de 3, 4 y 5 años.
Title: Presenting myself, Meeting new people , Creating altogether , Building friendships.
Language: ελληνικά,English,español.
Age range: 3 a 6
Subjects: Pre-school Subjects.
Vocational Description: We present to each other ourselves, our preferences, our thoughts and ideas , we play altogether , we collaborate to create games , drawings, music and a digital book.
The children will :
1) build collaboration and communication skills.
2) learn to be creative through interaction with other children.
3) realize the importance of computer and the internet as means of learning, creating and communicating with other people.
Expected Outcomes:
We will present the process of our work and collaboration through a small
documentary film.
Procedural Plan:
Week one: Presenting myself to the other children: my name , my
favorite color, my favorite food, my favorite toy, my drawing, the
classroom's favorite song.
Week two : Lets play games :
1) each school creates a game for the other
school to play
2) we play games altogether
Week three : creating altogether drawings.
Week four : Creating altogether music.
Week five- six -seven -eight-nine - ten : creation of our digital book.
Week eleven : evaluation of the project, saying goodbye to each other.
The teachers of the schools will communicate two to three times during
the week.
The children will have one live meeting during the week.
The children's' role in the project will be active , their ideas and thoughts
will determine the process of the project .
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